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Latest news and thoughts from VIP Access.
Hidden Problems in Renovation Works
A bathroom renovation is a major modification, all wall & floor coverings are removed back to bare stud work. Occasionally...
The Difference Between a Good Builder and a Great Builder
When it comes to selecting a builder (or any trade for that matter) there is a whole spectrum of range...
Working Effectively with People with a Disability
A person with a disability can offer much in the workplace. You should also remember that not all disabilities are...
The Risks of Falling
VIP Access does a lot of work with both disabled people and the elderly in providing home renovations and modifications...
Your VIP Access Job and The Impact of Covid-19
Every business, every industry and every individual has been affected by Covid-19 in some way, shape or form. When it...
Adaptive & Assistive Choices for the Disabled
A disability can come about for any number of reasons. It might be hereditary and something you were born with,...